By Matt Marn
When the unthinkable happens, such as a stroke or an injury,
someone can have a long road ahead of them to recovering the facilities and
skills they had before. But with a physical therapist like Dawn, who visits
many campuses of Benevilla – including Sun City Restorative Day Center – they
are in great hands.
Dawn sat down with Restorative Care Partner Jeannette, and
Tom, a participant in the physical therapy program at Sun City Restorative.
Together, the three caught up on Tom’s progress. Dawn does this with every
patient every 6-8 months, when she and the participant discuss changes,
progress and challenges in the their physical therapy program.
Benevilla physical therapist Dawn helps participant Tom |
Jeannette told Dawn Tom has been doing very well on the
stationary bike. The two shared with Dawn updates, and Dawn asked Tom if he
would like to add anything new to his program to work toward. Together, they
adjust Tom’s personal physical therapy goals, and congratulate him on the amazing
progress he has been making.
“As a physical therapist, I talk to the participant and
learn about their personal situation,” Dawn said. “I work with them to help
figure out some goals to set for them that will lead to success, something
reasonable that can be accomplished. We
work toward something that they will be able to achieve.”
Dawn said it all started at Benevilla with volunteer
instruction and body mechanics programs, but soon she began talking with other
Benevilla staff about setting up a physical therapy program.
“Some people need rehab after a stroke, but sometimes,
insurance stops after awhile, and they still need ongoing therapy,” Dawn said. “We
can help them stay active, and we can help keep it cost-effective. I also help
in other places, like an aquatic therapy session in Sun City, where we keep the
cost at $10 per year to participate.”
Dawn said she can
never promise someone will get back to the way they were, but if you sit around
all day, you are going to get worse.
“For example, Tom may not normally walk again, but if he sat
around all day, he wouldn’t have been able to climb those stairs today.”
Dawn said one participant earlier in the program broke her
arm, and her goal was to be able to play the piano again – and she achieved
that goal. Another participant had a stroke, and her goal was to be able to
dance at her husband’s Christmas party. She, too, achieved her goal.
“We do as much as we can to help,” Dawn said. “In general,
the toughest challenge I face is working with anyone not motivated to help
themselves. They need the desire to help themselves to be successful. This
desire needs to come from within… if they don’t want to, they won’t get better.
… And as for Tom, he has worked very hard,” Dawn said. “He is one of the best
advocates of the program.”
Dawn attributes her love for helping people recover through
physical therapy to a friend and classmate she had in junior high and high
school who had cerebral palsy.
“She was very independent, she insisted on walking with
everyone, with no special treatment – just her crutches,” Dawn said. “I had to
ask her, to what did she attribute her sense of independence? She told me it
was all thanks to her physical therapist. Soon, I started to volunteer more and
more in physical therapy, and I decided finally it was what I wanted to do.”
Restorative Care Partner Jeanette said participants love
Dawn, and truly appreciate the work she does to help them recover what they
have lost.
“Any time they have a question, they ask for her,” Jeannette
said. “They love her, she does a great job.”
Participant Tom said his favorite thing about the physical
therapy is riding on the stationary bike.
“Dawn is a very knowledgeable person, she gives guidance for
everyone trying to achieve their goals,” Tom said. “You don’t know how lucky I
feel having a place like this. The best thing about this place – I meet a lot
of cool people, and make a lot of friends. Everybody gets along with everyone
else – that’s the greatest thing about it. We’ve become a great big family.”
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